

A Meteor and the Gegenschein

2021 May 12

In Loving Memory of Carl Sagan

Orion Rising over Brazil

The next few months will be the best for seeing this familiar constellation as it rises continually earlier in the night.

Ares 3 Landing Site: The Martian Revisited

This close-up was taken from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's HiRISE camera.

A Triangular Shadow of a Large Volcano

Why does the shadow of this volcano look like a triangle?

Astronomy Picture of the Day: December's Comet Wirtanen

Coming close in mid-December, Comet 46P Wirtanen hangs in this starry sky over the bell tower of a Romanesque church.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Comet, Heart and Soul

The greenish coma of comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner stands out at the left of this telephoto skyscape spanning over 10 degrees toward the northern constellations Cassiopeia and Perseus.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Galaxy in a Crystal Ball

A small crystal ball seems to hold a whole galaxy in this creative snapshot.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: The Observable Universe

How far can you see?

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Wanderers

How far out will humanity explore?
