

A Meteor and the Gegenschein

2021 May 12

Saturn Behind the Moon

What's that next to the Moon?

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Shimmer, Meteor Flash

Some night skies are serene and passive -- others shimmer and flash. The later, in the form of auroras and meteors, haunted skies over the island of Kvaløya, near Tromsø Norway on 2009 December 13.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Equinox: Analemma over the Callanish Stones

Does the Sun return to the same spot on the sky every day at the same time? No.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Window Seat over Hudson Bay

On the August 18 night flight from San Francisco to Zurich, a window seat offered this tantalizing view when curtains of light draped a colorful glow across the sky over Hudson Bay.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Rocket Plume Shadow Points to the Moon

Why would the shadow of a space shuttle launch plume point toward the Moon?

Astronomy Picture of the Day: NGC 2023 in the Horsehead's Shadow

Carved by a bright young star in Orion's dusty molecular clouds, NGC 2023 is often overlooked in favor of the nearby dramatic silhouette of the Horsehead Nebula

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Blue Comet Meets Blue Stars

What's that heading for the Pleiades star cluster?

Using the D810A DSLR for Deep Space and Nebulae Astrophotography

Photographing the Night Sky
