

Mercury-Redstone 3 Launch

2021 May 7

Flying Over the Earth at Night II

In the Shadow of the Moon

On July 2 denizens of planet Earth could stand in the Moon's dark umbral shadow during South America's 2019 total solar eclipse.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Shimmer, Meteor Flash

Some night skies are serene and passive -- others shimmer and flash. The later, in the form of auroras and meteors, haunted skies over the island of Kvaløya, near Tromsø Norway on 2009 December 13.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Shipwreck at Moonset

A crescent Moon is about to sink under the western horizon in this sea and night skyscape.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: NGC 1499: The California Nebula

There's even a California in space. Drifting through the Orion Arm of the spiral Milky Way Galaxy, this cosmic cloud by chance echoes the outline of California on the west coast of the United States.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: The Falcon 9 Nebula

Not the Hubble Space Telescope's latest view of a distant planetary nebula, this illuminated cloud of gas and dust dazzled even casual U.S. west coast skygazers on October 7.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: West Coast Launch and Landing

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch dazzled viewers along the U.S. west coast after sunset on October 7.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Sea and Sky Glows over the Oregon Coast

Every step caused the sand to light up blue. That glow was bioluminescence -- a blue radiance that also lights the surf in this surreal scene captured last month at Meyer's Creek Beach in Oregon, USA.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Asperitas Clouds Over New Zealand

What kind of clouds are these? Although their cause is presently unknown, such unusual atmospheric structures, as menacing as they might seem, do not appear to be harbingers of meteorological doom.
