

Fireball and Comet NEOWISE

Mid-Air Meteor and Milky Way

On September 24, a late evening commercial flight from Singapore to Australia offered stratospheric views of the southern hemisphere's night sky.

Supernova Cannon Expels Pulsar J0002

What could shoot out a neutron star like a cannon ball?

The Colors and Magnitudes of M13

M13 is modestly recognized as the Great Globular Star Cluster in Hercules.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: A Rainbow Geminid Meteor

Meteors can be colorful. While the human eye usually cannot discern many colors, cameras often can.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Comet Wirtanen Passes by the Earth

Today Comet Wirtanen passes by the Earth. The kilometer-sized dirty snowball orbits the Sun every 5.4 years, ranging as far out as Jupiter and as close in as the Earth.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Aurora Shimmer, Meteor Flash

Some night skies are serene and passive -- others shimmer and flash. The later, in the form of auroras and meteors, haunted skies over the island of Kvaløya, near Tromsø Norway on 2009 December 13.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: NGC 1499: The California Nebula

There's even a California in space. Drifting through the Orion Arm of the spiral Milky Way Galaxy, this cosmic cloud by chance echoes the outline of California on the west coast of the United States.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: NGC 1898: Globular Cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Jewels don't shine this bright -- only stars do. And almost every spot in this glittering jewel-box of an image from the Hubble Space Telescope is a star.

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Salt, Pepper, and Ice

There's a "camera" comet now moving across the sky.
